Casino Zonder Cruks


Designed by Valerie Schmieder,Scott Sikkema

Study, work, interview, lunch… This little workhorse does any job you ask of it. With its easy-sliding sled base, it can go anywhere and everywhere you do.

Ideas welcome. Share your thoughts and wish list.

  1. Robin Hendrick Lane said, on July 12, 2011 at 6:52am

    Hi Lauren,
    We are an open line and are still building our salesforce so we do not currently have a rep in Pittsburgh.  If you’d like to contact us, please call 877.334.7107.  We’d love to help.  Thanks!

  2. Lauren Urvan said, on July 11, 2011 at 8:33pm

    Saw your furniture at Neocon wanted to know if you had a rep in Pittsburgh and if you were an open line,